Lung US, Chest & Intercostal Drain (LUCID) Course
This webpage contains pleural procedure videos relevant for FUSIC-LUNG and the LUCID course. It also contains the portal for the LUCID Talks, which accompany the practical part of the course, run out of Barnsley Hospital Medical Education centre. See
This webpage contains pleural procedure videos relevant for FUSIC-LUNG and the LUCID course. It also contains the portal for the LUCID Talks, which accompany the practical part of the course, run out of Barnsley Hospital Medical Education centre. See Courses tab for future bookings.
Pleural procedures involve the removal of air or fluid (including blood and pus) from the pleural cavity. In 2008, the UK National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) after reviewing 12 deaths and 15 cases of severe harm associated with chest drain placement (such as bleeding, solid organ injury, guidewire loss), identified the following as important common themes:
• inadequate staff supervision and chest drain experience
• failure to follow manufacturer’s instructions
• poor choice of site insertion and poor positioning
• anatomical anomalies and the patient’s clinical condition
• lack of knowledge of existing clinical guidelines
In 2010, the British Thoracic Society (BTS) pleural disease guideline was produced (see weblink)
This guideline recommended that all doctors/clinical practitioners who are expected to undertake pleural procedures such as chest drain insertion, should be trained using a combination of didactic lectures, simulated, and supervised clinical practice, until considered competent. Thoracic ultrasound guidance was also strongly recommended for all pleural procedures.
The LUCID course aims to meet these recommendations, by covering all the basic knowledge and skills required to be successful and safe, when undertaking pleural procedures.
We hope by undertaking such a course, followed by supervised clinical practice in your hospital to achieve competency sign-off, that this will improve the quality of care delivered to patients and minimise complications and harm associated with pleural procedures.
The LUCID Course is also an Intensive Care Society approved FUSIC-Lung course.
The next course is planned on: Tuesday 25th June 2024, 9am–1pm at Barnsley Medical Education Centre, contact Leian Barlow via the contact page for more information.

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Pleural Aspiration
Dr Steve Lobaz

Seldinger Chest Drain Insertion
Dr Steve Lobaz

Surgical Blunt Chest Drain insertion
Dr Steve Lobaz

Chest drain Suturing: The Soweto Tie
Dr Steve Lobaz